CBO Accounting - VO, MS, ZS
Andhra Pradesh


State : Andhra Pradesh Report Generated Date : 07-02-2025
(Amount in Lakhs)    
S.NoDistrict NameTotal VO'sAdministrative ExpensesAdv.Payable / Current LiabilitiesAdv Receivable/ Current AssetsBorrowingsCapital GrantsCommissionsFees And ChargesFixed AssetsInsuranceInterest On Deposits & BorrowingsInterset On LoansInvestmentsLoansOther Advances (Assets)Other Advances (Liabilities)Other ExpendituresOther IncomeProgramme GrantsProject Advances (Assets)Project Advances (Liabilities)Salary GrantsSavings and DepositsShare CapitalOpening Cash BalanceOpening Bank BalanceTotal ReceiptsAdministrative ExpensesAdv.Payable / Current LiabilitiesAdv Receivable/ Current AssetsBorrowingsCapital GrantsFees And ChargesFinancial ExpensesFixed AssetsInsuranceInterest On Deposits & BorrowingsInvestmentsLoansOther Advances (Assets)Other Advances (Liabilities)Other ExpendituresProgramme GrantsProject Advances (Assets)Project Advances (Liabilities)Savings and DepositsService Charges from Other InstitutionsShare CapitalTrainingsClosing Cash BalanceClosing Bank BalanceTotal Payments
1 Alluri Sitharama Raju 22 147.31 1029.09 84.09 0.00 4588.54 90.36 28.63 50.63 24.35 491.52 802.27 448.71 2303.53 260.48 2526.28 233.09 1675.77 239.33 39.19 239.20 7.86 61.04 89.01 0.78 710.16 16171.23 1624.86 891.94 214.29 5.36 3197.69 71.68 122.18 216.68 20.31 175.10 347.09 3454.00 1456.62 1886.65 386.22 116.08 137.63 27.48 513.80 0.00 231.54 19.88 0.57 947.41 16171.23
2 Anakapalli 24 162.11 1695.82 166.41 0.00 2071.72 107.12 28.48 53.92 6.02 573.64 1147.86 70.59 10088.11 731.92 4050.11 43.10 734.60 58.03 40.31 96.94 0.00 105.30 81.82 0.24 1164.93 23279.09 2011.60 2046.76 201.56 0.00 1602.50 22.97 313.60 69.14 5.20 132.36 154.04 10737.69 1003.30 3653.51 31.04 48.75 40.31 111.20 348.14 0.00 90.49 2.07 -2.85 628.63 23279.09
3 Anantapuramu 31 112.76 917.41 197.15 0.00 2398.70 330.69 170.46 75.69 9.06 573.91 963.70 130.85 5782.04 814.67 2544.97 138.52 1849.10 40.11 0.00 170.20 0.11 164.99 108.10 0.19 412.25 17905.63 2458.57 867.21 248.24 0.00 1575.88 87.46 191.21 211.41 3.42 140.72 324.12 5211.54 1296.42 2205.96 237.95 39.52 12.72 112.24 1846.22 0.00 91.95 77.59 0.19 567.37 17905.63
4 Annamayya 30 13.53 3559.36 99.06 0.00 1064.30 145.87 37.37 42.49 11.27 207.56 1253.76 17.55 8297.34 1259.60 3502.97 90.30 1837.87 178.52 0.06 160.54 0.79 383.90 66.83 0.01 447.48 22678.34 1280.40 3486.28 232.31 32.84 582.34 32.94 614.75 141.64 9.42 150.24 10.60 9408.27 1815.82 2758.10 122.86 31.53 12.21 84.85 192.55 0.00 54.08 3.23 2.67 1091.04 22678.34
5 BAPATLA 25 84.82 347.12 60.70 10.00 1237.91 551.82 44.96 13.15 5.43 302.65 799.50 103.98 6644.52 745.45 3578.66 15.57 301.25 33.19 62.09 70.18 0.52 104.29 12.99 0.04 462.19 15592.99 1053.22 395.44 74.43 0.00 416.06 19.25 86.45 27.35 4.80 23.79 67.70 7383.14 893.57 3459.66 9.41 27.31 62.09 67.67 731.38 0.00 24.28 2.71 -0.52 725.62 15592.99
6 Chittoor 31 34.23 1552.44 171.36 0.00 1846.85 304.26 26.14 14.23 1.48 312.87 2329.72 90.87 20784.38 3814.50 6795.65 44.17 4148.14 21.50 0.00 121.15 0.00 1417.77 158.86 0.75 798.54 44789.88 1303.32 1594.06 483.17 57.85 667.42 18.49 2080.67 93.06 3.06 70.44 180.29 23628.00 5368.49 5593.81 23.93 20.02 0.00 118.46 1201.01 0.00 131.87 1.65 0.62 1203.82 44789.88
7 DR.BR AMBEDKAR KONASEEMA 22 90.92 575.34 51.19 0.00 1090.92 85.94 101.34 17.84 14.23 240.53 526.08 72.26 2736.05 187.03 1133.10 344.44 1247.77 25.29 0.96 211.46 3.52 48.88 22.70 0.13 130.14 8958.07 1861.30 450.39 105.83 0.00 381.82 66.89 138.42 45.91 20.23 169.93 13.10 3349.79 516.90 757.52 358.02 6.73 7.14 139.14 104.92 0.00 24.07 15.67 11.31 468.10 8958.07
8 East Godavari 18 32.92 578.15 153.40 3.00 1155.91 66.74 67.85 59.08 9.82 83.42 273.86 141.55 1672.23 575.99 775.67 109.69 1490.80 19.67 3.87 119.70 1.29 9.66 42.78 0.13 45.75 7492.91 1713.24 574.04 159.08 0.00 795.61 83.31 99.18 60.46 3.91 100.23 69.45 1840.62 361.25 772.55 218.53 9.49 3.01 97.77 102.82 0.00 87.44 9.77 0.02 225.01 7492.91
9 ELURU 28 170.48 1771.23 74.40 84.32 2163.45 104.90 112.51 79.03 33.23 371.13 490.66 84.02 3191.78 317.99 2558.51 54.74 1136.72 172.07 204.17 341.62 2.50 51.23 41.69 0.03 335.37 13947.77 1695.81 1769.86 227.27 1.81 1011.89 68.57 231.27 349.72 34.95 440.40 29.27 3297.16 700.52 2047.20 191.16 130.36 228.57 278.21 704.50 2.01 57.65 34.22 0.57 454.50 13947.77
10 Guntur 17 56.25 478.61 56.48 24.00 436.00 380.33 28.99 0.57 22.66 200.83 374.85 208.97 2614.79 287.54 2330.07 12.40 346.86 134.49 7.33 92.74 0.00 99.55 11.32 0.03 260.46 8466.10 713.46 506.15 75.19 0.00 169.65 21.02 25.70 24.02 20.77 47.73 93.47 3017.12 451.36 2210.14 24.71 124.04 8.11 82.66 470.98 0.00 44.64 1.19 0.26 337.93 8466.10
11 Kadapa 35 33.69 316.29 88.02 40.00 688.70 81.83 20.92 23.66 10.60 174.84 1471.25 25.52 9540.69 307.21 2457.52 80.68 610.07 49.83 0.00 108.47 2.11 121.12 74.10 1.30 440.02 16768.43 1177.11 319.53 235.90 40.00 329.32 62.76 38.75 61.91 6.84 69.55 51.34 10634.83 578.85 1981.17 78.85 28.34 3.00 32.89 27.45 0.00 34.47 1.24 1.30 921.63 16768.43
12 Kakinada 20 81.72 328.32 35.40 0.00 855.10 58.87 66.42 26.27 1.02 187.95 616.96 99.83 3533.68 148.30 1916.44 80.76 826.82 15.61 0.00 75.94 2.40 33.24 28.59 0.58 127.34 9147.56 1096.18 231.00 138.72 0.00 245.09 41.29 29.21 71.25 5.72 135.88 23.43 4500.87 490.34 1465.08 239.94 1.22 0.07 42.52 150.30 0.00 39.67 8.85 0.26 219.94 9147.56
13 Krishna 25 111.57 733.49 186.46 256.92 1396.70 591.70 197.75 44.72 37.85 445.19 753.16 136.76 6740.13 362.94 2864.32 19.43 841.29 119.67 5.83 192.19 2.84 47.76 36.77 0.15 274.26 16399.85 1245.11 797.69 218.66 3.12 340.98 49.38 199.84 94.93 28.69 130.63 38.40 7701.46 464.05 2690.84 139.22 117.61 15.28 124.78 1207.62 0.00 87.79 17.62 12.87 689.23 16399.85
14 Kurnool 25 239.54 299.06 6.00 8.00 1292.68 162.50 41.98 14.64 0.36 263.96 906.48 41.06 4489.83 1002.50 4026.96 28.77 381.01 146.27 0.00 314.55 2.03 64.01 33.80 0.08 429.21 14195.28 1439.18 301.23 22.17 5.61 698.24 31.32 80.53 34.94 4.51 14.09 36.00 4702.29 1406.30 3827.62 43.47 123.63 0.00 311.78 633.41 0.00 54.10 2.75 0.04 419.04 14195.28
15 Nandyal 28 134.11 557.19 24.88 1.20 663.37 145.79 30.12 2.16 25.16 175.16 1092.60 58.47 6206.36 270.07 5275.49 82.64 375.49 102.67 1.29 208.81 1.83 90.60 30.69 0.18 322.57 15878.89 1232.07 593.89 97.97 0.00 222.51 37.37 68.31 44.60 24.30 21.47 37.40 6642.88 598.88 4860.15 79.72 59.45 1.70 171.11 300.87 0.00 28.76 4.13 2.69 746.05 15878.89
16 Nellore 37 65.65 820.35 376.59 76.11 2753.70 131.65 84.93 182.61 35.00 319.50 590.77 44.34 2778.88 805.34 1733.00 196.00 888.45 227.63 72.47 120.99 5.54 133.37 94.76 1.35 196.01 12734.99 1892.28 1021.18 231.02 3.93 1372.00 91.29 74.21 153.41 25.87 96.83 39.18 4002.60 954.22 1368.98 178.86 108.00 43.58 82.25 293.35 0.00 95.99 5.10 1.34 507.59 12734.99
17 NTR 16 89.15 429.45 116.64 251.74 993.04 174.81 132.02 22.15 40.41 209.66 502.12 277.42 2956.71 289.84 1733.43 107.50 876.78 90.02 2.65 343.73 6.51 43.52 40.21 0.21 116.73 9846.44 1253.17 479.65 201.48 12.36 347.24 58.30 165.28 173.17 28.47 101.21 36.61 3807.47 616.31 1270.98 193.02 65.97 7.33 149.05 238.65 0.00 31.39 12.35 0.07 652.35 9846.44
18 PALNADU 28 76.11 894.95 14.00 90.50 1169.11 295.25 57.37 16.63 26.72 448.08 380.35 68.10 2304.02 663.63 3419.51 103.87 336.83 46.27 62.60 124.85 0.00 55.08 16.72 0.06 559.14 11229.76 1213.01 959.06 40.93 0.00 602.40 35.66 90.10 65.85 31.09 57.19 100.25 2788.28 1098.55 3003.06 66.57 22.13 66.83 122.81 267.41 0.00 35.41 1.48 0.05 561.11 11229.76
19 Parvathipuram Manyam 15 13.49 1119.23 8.19 16.37 1391.74 235.72 6.29 0.03 15.95 354.47 432.17 43.32 1392.51 823.18 3264.37 6.44 955.22 34.25 4.50 104.18 0.18 11.20 10.78 0.26 395.14 10639.17 952.40 1162.97 33.21 5.40 1046.58 16.13 107.71 40.05 16.28 20.22 308.13 1698.80 1221.77 2695.54 78.54 22.70 5.50 71.99 472.04 0.00 28.14 4.19 0.00 607.24 10639.17
20 Prakasam 38 28.47 511.21 40.84 84.05 2563.70 310.41 60.38 11.37 2.00 293.20 1246.06 83.11 8549.35 622.23 4128.78 57.19 493.19 114.91 0.00 125.84 2.30 37.43 10.85 0.13 248.03 19625.03 1591.50 465.63 48.43 0.58 814.10 36.84 136.47 136.64 5.11 31.04 121.11 9616.28 1131.99 3845.26 117.76 89.44 0.64 101.33 392.87 0.00 96.74 7.73 13.32 876.30 19625.03
21 Sri Sathya Sai 32 71.21 1375.61 133.58 3.00 1742.36 232.83 90.17 8.76 15.43 588.89 1238.18 347.37 5839.36 1111.40 3233.71 100.89 1416.08 517.97 0.01 126.35 1.75 192.53 137.28 0.16 533.10 19057.97 2043.47 1161.98 289.54 0.00 1078.81 117.79 124.55 115.50 6.84 79.42 437.49 5875.57 1904.55 2243.01 187.28 363.54 87.37 100.29 1643.81 0.00 141.51 51.85 0.00 880.24 19057.97
22 Srikakulam 30 35.32 2419.29 267.46 21.12 2492.29 673.51 35.66 50.18 4.13 739.51 1762.31 202.70 12479.93 1517.91 6376.18 2.97 1442.76 172.89 0.00 265.39 2.13 194.46 54.10 0.13 1324.62 32536.94 2133.58 2811.03 445.39 91.39 1341.30 31.61 273.31 98.04 2.52 186.11 541.27 13767.96 2012.39 5846.13 33.06 131.13 0.00 272.65 991.44 0.00 54.52 6.88 7.83 1252.43 32536.94
23 Tirupati 33 18.45 454.05 87.99 62.32 2087.44 219.33 34.49 23.34 23.36 327.92 1634.33 29.01 12525.44 1697.92 3939.92 29.73 1799.75 89.12 0.00 204.39 2.15 516.41 80.96 0.08 386.58 26274.50 1161.06 474.51 167.85 161.85 962.30 28.22 803.36 92.80 21.37 62.77 161.01 14677.58 2107.94 3430.82 53.83 36.99 0.00 217.93 322.00 0.02 55.54 1.05 0.68 855.52 26274.50
24 Visakhapatnam 4 26.46 346.58 11.15 0.00 75.87 10.30 3.98 3.09 1.56 41.69 223.86 8.04 2167.27 61.15 626.16 3.51 110.34 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 16.07 27.13 0.01 139.46 3911.67 298.73 376.51 11.17 0.00 50.38 2.22 19.28 11.44 1.46 2.77 8.49 2351.68 141.84 549.98 4.48 0.00 0.00 7.80 3.02 0.00 30.43 0.63 0.00 35.34 3911.67
25 Vizianagaram 27 39.29 397.61 18.58 0.00 823.30 214.16 30.46 7.02 5.34 703.46 977.34 3.66 2377.02 862.86 5901.71 30.16 774.52 1.47 0.00 162.59 0.00 53.47 10.78 0.03 150.77 13545.61 1102.75 352.02 68.16 0.00 494.35 16.42 314.83 113.01 5.17 55.49 150.80 2559.48 1176.89 5533.90 55.13 1.38 0.00 157.23 988.08 0.00 41.77 2.01 0.01 308.65 13545.61
26 West Godavari 19 41.89 979.34 175.86 0.00 989.32 107.05 235.39 60.22 40.98 130.44 211.46 46.57 965.89 211.21 1712.34 172.20 1487.03 132.48 30.76 203.13 2.82 37.38 109.65 0.30 188.47 8272.16 1968.88 1037.55 233.32 0.00 408.89 79.29 118.11 177.07 31.33 203.08 19.99 827.98 652.28 1291.38 212.53 82.06 35.40 135.09 420.02 0.00 55.48 34.89 0.05 281.39 8272.16
  Total 660 2011.45 24486.59 2705.88 1032.65 40032.72 5813.74 1775.06 903.48 423.42 8761.98 23001.66 2884.63 148961.84 19752.86 82405.83 2188.76 28384.51 2783.26 538.09 4313.13 51.18 4094.26 1433.27 7.34 10598.72 419346.26 37516.26 25127.56 4505.29 422.10 20755.35 1228.47 6547.28 2724.00 371.64 2718.69 3400.03 167483.34 30421.40 71249.00 3366.09 1807.42 778.49 3221.18 14568.66 2.03 1749.72 330.73 53.35 16463.48 419346.26